This app allows users to create, view, edit, and comment on Wrike tasks directly from the Zendesk ticket sidebar.
Installation and configuration
- Create a Custom TIcket Fiels in you Zendesk Portal "WrikeID" and write down the FieldID
- Create an "API app" in your wrike portal:
In wrike Panel menù click on "Apps & Integration" and then on "API".
Create a new "API Apps" by clicking on "Create new".
In the following form, copy and write down the CLient ID and Client secret
The configuration requires three mandatory parameters (as specified in the requirements above) and an optional parameter for the app's operations.
Mandatory parameters:
- Ticket Field ID: This is the ID of the custom ticket field where the IDs of tasks linked to the ticket will be stored (Before installing the wrike app, create a custom text ticket field in your Zendesk portal)
- Wrike Client ID: The Wrike client ID, necessary for logging in with your Wrike account.
- Wrike Client Secret: The Wrike client secret, also required for logging in with your Wrike account.
Optional Parameter:
- Wrike Default Folder ID: The ID of the default folder where you want to create tasks.
How to use
First User Login
Upon the first launch of the app, you will be prompted to log in with your Wrike account. This will enable you to perform all operations with your own account as if you were working directly from Wrike.
Linked tasks and search
This primary section displays the tasks linked to the current ticket. It also provides the functionality to search for a task you wish to link, view, or edit.
To initiate a search, simply type the title of the task into the search field. The system will then present a list of results based on the provided search criteria.
If the search fields more than nine results, a 'three dots' button will appear, allowing you to load additional results.
By clicking on a task, you will be taken to the task's detailed view.
New task
From the main page, you can press the "+" button to create a new task.
If the 'Wrike default folder id' parameter is configured, the app will automatically select the specified folder as the default location for creating new tasks.
If not set, the app will display a list of folders where you can create the new task. Should the user lack permissions to access the default folder, the app will instead show a list of accessible folders.
However, if the user has the necessary permissions for the default folder, the app will proceed to the next step of task creation. Remember, you can always change the folder selection if needed.
In the next step, you are required to enter the task title (mandatory), provide a brief description, and select assignees. Upon clicking the 'Create Task' button, the new task will be created, and the app will navigate to the task details page to display more information about the task.
Whenever you create a new task, it will automatically be assigned the default status and linked to the current ticket. In the task description, a phrase 'Zendesk ticket {{ticket url}}' will be included, where '{{ticket url}}' represents the direct link to the associated ticket.
Task details
This page allow you to see a brief detail of a task, which includes:
- Title (with a direct link to open the task in Wrike)
- Status
- Brief description
Users will have the option to link/unlink the task to the ticket they are currently viewing. There is also a "Show more" button to open a modal where various actions can be performed (read).
The modal allow you to read more details of a task and edit it.
In this section, it will be possible to:
- Change the title
- Update the status
- Add/Remove assignees
- Set/Change the date (for a single day only)
- Edit the description
- View attachments
- Insert/Read comments (with mentions)
- Type @ to bring up a list of users who can be mentioned
- Type @ to bring up a list of users who can be mentioned
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