App description
App features
Advanced Media Player is an app for Zendesk Support that allows your agents to listen audio attachments or watch videos without downloading.
The app is also compatible with Whatsapp audio and video formats (.ogg and .3gpp).For a complete list of supported media types please visit this page.
All suggestions are welcome, write to:
Privacy information
Advanced Media Player is a free app.
Registration is required to hide the yellow banner shown in the app:
To register use the administrator e-mail address you have previously configured in the app.
Installation instructions
To use Advanced Media Player app, you must:
- sign in your Zendesk Support account, then click the admin icon in the sidebar;
- select “Apps” > “Marketplace”, then find the Advanced Media Player app and click the tile;
- on the Advanced Media Player app page, click “Install app” in the upper-right corner;
- click “Install”;
- in the configuration page enter the e-mail address of your administrator user;
once the application is installed, open a ticket with your admin user at least once, in order to remove the yellow banner in the app.
Privacy information
Advanced Media Player is a free app.
Registration is required to hide the banner shown in the app. To register use the administrator e-mail address you have previously configured in the app.
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