How to configure Zendesk for a correct use of SimpleAutoResponder APP
1) Create Dynamic contents:
- Using an administrator user, go to "MANAGE - Dynamic Content" section
- Add the following Dynamic contents:
- simpleautoresponder_domain - insert your zendesk domain url (ex:
- simpleautoresponder_agent_email - insert the email address of the Zendesk agent you want to use to respond to the ticket
- simpleautoresponder_message - insert the message you want to send
2) Create the Trigger:
- Using an administrator user, go to "BUSINESS RULES - Triggers" section
Add the trigger:
- Trigger Name: SimpleAutoResponder
- Conditions: add your conditions
(note: the message will be insert into the ticket ONLY for "NEW" tickets, to avoid the auto-response loops problem)
- Action:
- Type: Notify active webhook
- Target: sar_ws_url
- Json body:{
"ticket_id": "{{}}",
"domain": "{{dc.simpleautoresponder_domain}}",
"agent_email": "{{dc.simpleautoresponder_agent_email}}",
"message": "{{dc.simpleautoresponder_message}}"
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